What We Do

Our main focus is the visual aspect of life,
but we can help with so much more.

Camera’s, film, photo

As licensed drone operators, professional climbers, divers and just all-round jack of all trades, we can be of value to your project, whether you want us to take full command and do everything according to your needs and wants, or you need some extra helping hands, we got you covered!

A need for adventure and a bad memory makes Georges a really good adventure filmmaker!

— Quote source, Georges’s sister, talking about how he forgot every family trip and thus became a photographer!




Our expertise in the technical side of our work


We have licensed drone/ uas operators, who have experience both with commercial and sel build drones.

Rope access

We have rope access climbers, experienced rope technicians who also have years of experience in sport climbing.


Our divers are licensed. They have experience in cave diving, wreck diving, deep diving, and altitude diving. Who are experienced in digital underwater imaging.